Dust is an under estimated problem that occurs in all traditionally grown hay.

Dust is an under estimated problem that occurs in all traditionally grown hay.

Lots of horses and ponies have their hay soaked to supress the dust in the hay, alternatively haylage can be used to do the same thing, this is not fully dried hay and so soon goes off when it’s taken from the plastic wrap.
Farmers Lung is also caused by dust or as it’s known these days as COPD.
It’s going to be a similar thing with small animals too especially living in a confined spaces where they have little choice but to breathe it in, additionally we often get reports that there has been a marked improvement in the well being of people living in the household too. Its got to when you think about it!
There are lots of claims that hay has no dust in it or it’s been dust extracted, you only have to take a small percentage out to suggest the dust has been removed, it’s a good sales line and almost misleading but people fall for it every time!
We try to show in the videos just how much dust comes out of the good hay we use, it’s not the fragmented pieces you see in the bottom of the bag that’s the problem, they are always going to occur to some extent, its the very fine airborne particles shown that do the real damage when inhaled.
If you run the videos you can see a small amount escaping from the dump bag through the small hole which gives an idea of just how much is produced. Notice the filthy mess the bags get into after having the dust blown into them. Yuk!
The lower video shows another point in our system where the dust is taken from, you can quite easily see the dust floating about in the sunlight
We think that the benefit of being able to purchase hay with the dust taken out has got to be a big step forward for general healthier environment that your animal lives in and yours too!
If you are wondering what happens to the dust we remove, well it’s taken back to the fields and spread where it rots down and helps to feed the grassland for the following year.